Halloween is coming up soon! One of my favorite holidays mainly cause I get to dress up how I would normally want to but can't reall get away with in society, lol. While it's beome a holiday about candy and games, it isn't that way originally so I understand why many people aren't fond of it. I'm not fond of going out and getting candy for my kids to be hyped up on, but hey...


Hair: Letituier - Nucy
Outfit: AMF - Spicy Outfit
Nails: Ascendant - Dracarys 01
Rings: Ysoral - Luxe
Arms: Aii - Extra Bento Arms
Pet: AMF - Pumpkin Bat Pet

Backdrop: Mesh Dreams - Way of Illusion

Head: Genus Project - Strong Face
Eyes: IKON - Promise Eyes
Body: Belleza - Freya
Tattoos: Hoodlem - Waifu
