'Tis The Season...

Tis The Season...
For Pumpkin Spice?
With the fall season in full swing, the scent of pumpkin spice is in the air, right?! With Halloween around the corner, there are families coming together to plan pumpkin carving events, haunted attraction tours, and costume contests.

Hair: Little Bones - Mara
Nails: [FORMANAILS] - Ballerina
Rings: RealEvil Industries - Beast Rings
Clothing: Blueberry - Reignberry
Pumpkin / Coffee: Amitie - Fall in the City ( Gacha ) @ Equal10

Ready for the season!
All around Secondlife, there is so much happening to get involved with the season before the winter festivities begin! Now, I'm not that typical gal who gets the Pumpkin flavored... everything, but I'm so in the spirit of the season that I just might try!
I have a friend known as ƊℰѴ ƊΔℛƘ (devouredbydarkness) who builds the most amazing themed sims. I came across his Chrismas themed sim and it was so stunning. I plan to take another trip there for this season personally and every season to come now!
I'll tell you what I'll be doing! I'm planning a tour of all of SecondLife's haunted attractions and I am going to walk through them with my family in Animas Immortales. Besides that, I am also planning a costume contest at The Invictus club.
At first, I thought my first ever blog post would be talking about myself and kind of like an introduction but I think promoting my good friend and some events around Second Life might be better than talking about my boring self! Leave a comment and tell me what you all think! ♥

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